A 19-year-old woman has been gang-raped in Mumbai’s Kurla area. Nehru Nagar Police has arrested four accused in this case. Shockingly, the victim’s brother-in-law is also among the accused. Four accused have been arrested in the case while one is absconding. The arrested accused will be produced in court.
According to preliminary information, the victim is a resident of Kolkata. A few months ago, she came to Mumbai for work. At that time, her brother-in-law took her to a room owner in Kurla. Some beggars were renting a house there.
According to the information received, the victim’s brother-in-law took money from the beggars of the same house and handed it over to his sister-in-law. Not only that, her brother-in-law also abused her. The victim was terrified as she was new to the city and she did not tell anyone about it.
A few days later, when the victim realized that she was pregnant, all this was revealed. The victim then ran to the police. Police have registered a case and arrested four persons, including the victim’s brother-in-law. A fifth accused has absconded to West Bengal.
All the accused have been charged under the Prevention of Immoral Trafficking Act (PITA) and will be produced in court on Wednesday.