A shocking incident has taken place in Pune (Cricketer Death in Pune) where a young cricketer who went to play cricket on June 13 died on the field. The young man’s name was Shritej Sachin Ghule and he was 22 years old. While playing at Handewadi ground in Hadapsar area of Pune, Shritej lost his breath and died.
At 7am on Sunday, Shreetaj left home to play cricket and came to the field. He started playing cricket with his friends at Handewadi ground in Hadapsar, but after some time he collapsed on the ground due to shortness of breath. Friends tried to bring Shritej back to consciousness by giving him water, but he did not respond.
Friends rushed him to a nearby hospital as he was not recovering. After the examination, the doctors declared Shritej dead. His friends are shocked after the doctor announced his death, and a mountain of grief has fallen on his family.
This is the second case of death while playing cricket in Pune.
Earlier, a cricketer died of a heart attack while playing in Jadhavwadi village in Pune’s Bori Budruk. The incident took place in February 2021. Ojhar and Jambut were playing in the Late Peacock Cup cricket tournament in Jadhavwadi village. Babu Nalawade, a 45-year-old cricketer, collapsed due to a heart attack while standing at the non-striker end of the match and died on the spot.