Neeraj Chopra, who has become a talisman for the youth, has set a new national record by throwing a spear in the Diamond League. In this competition, Neeraj had to settle for a silver medal.After his gold medal in the Olympics, Neeraj Chopra has started doing well in various competitions. In the event against Finland, Neeraj had set a national record by throwing a javelin at a distance of 89.30 meters. Once again on Thursday, Neeraj’s brilliant performance in the Diamond League competition has caused a stir in the society.
In the Diamond League, Neeraj set a new national record by throwing a javelin at a distance of 89.94 meters in his first attempt. World champion Anderson Peters won the gold medal in the 90.31m javelin.
Neeraj Chaopra’s performance in this competition …
First Throw – 89.94
Second Throw – 84.37
Third Throw – 87.46
Chaitha Throw – 84.77
Fifth Throw – 86.67
Sixth Throw – 86.84
After the success achieved by Neeraj Chopra, he is being promoted through the society.